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Monday - Friday 09:00AM-17:00PM
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Help Desk Manager

Turn Around Time (TAT) based complaint/ request management during the stay of the patient for various Backend departments.

Make life easy of the backend departments

Complaints & request management for various service departments by channelizing the workflow in a systematic manner

Creating the benchmark by ‘On the toes’ service delivery

Inbuilt with Turn Around Time (TAT) mechanism for quick closure of service requests between various departments to give on-time services to customer

Ensures the request reaches the right person at right time

With auto-allocation of all the tickets our system ensures it reaches to the available resources as per the roster which saves time and energy of employees from manually doing the same task.

Save the resources & prioritize your work

In the daily hustle-bustle of work it becomes very chaotic to address every request. Do smart work by tagging the tasks as per priority & severity to utilize the employees productivity.

Respond quickly- Help your customers now, not later

Delight your customer by resolving their issues then and there during the service or when customer is in your premises to enhance the overall experience. Analyze the difference between during the service and at the time of feedback.

Live dashboards to identify loopholes in workflow

Management is well equipped with on-the-go reports on their mobile screen to notice any abnormalities in the internal process flow.